If you want to get that Revenge Body for Summer, now is the time to start working for it. As they say, your summer body is made in the winter. I think that is what they say. Anyhow, obviously 80% of it is eating according to celebrity trainer Simone De La Rue who has books on Amazon and workout studios all over including right in Brentwood in Los Angeles. However, you still need to get your sweat on at least 4 times a week. Whether you love dance cardio, power plate workouts like Platefit, running, cross training like Orange Theory, or Soulcycle, you will want to get your gear looking good for all these workouts. I am loving all the starry looks that are out there this season. Some of my favorites include the Ultracor sports bra, constellation star leggings, and vests seen on our friend Katie Mullen recently from Body By Simone. At 5 feet 6 inches tall, she looks perfect in the sprinter length leggings from Ultracor available from Sweatnsk.com. Which piece is your favorite?