The chunkier the better

Chunky sneakers are still in style this 2020. Although they are also known as the “ugly” or “dad” sneakers, these will never be ugly in my eyes. I’m a big fan of sneakers. They’re very comfortable and can match every outfit. Fashion designers are giving their own twist on this highly coveted chunky sneakers. In case you adore a pair of chunky sneakers to swap from your usual sneaker options, I made a list of my favourite Top 5 chunky sneakers for 2020 to help you choose the best pair.
Chanel‘s Velvet Calfskin & Mixed Fibers sneakers are on the top of my list. They are very chic and easy to pair with any outfit. You can style this with worn out jeans and a white tee for a more relaxed casual look. Shop it here. The Balenciaga Triple S mesh sneakers are a crowd favourite since it was introduced. They’re selling out fast so you need to get a pair right now. What I love about the Balenciaga Triple S is that they came in different colours that can match your personality.
The Adidas Falcon suede-trimmed sneakers are a perfect pair for your off-duty look. It is very lightweight and comfortable even for your long walks throughout the day. Hit the gym with Nike‘s Air Max 270 Bowfin sneakers or swap it with your usual office kicks. Made from the finest materials and because of its popularity, the Air Max is definitely worth the splurge. Shop it now. Balmain chunky sneakers are one of the most stylish out there. You can style it with a midi dress or with tailored pieces. Shop it here.
Top 5 Chunky Sneakers For 2020

2. Balenciaga Triple S clear sole mesh sneakers – $995 | Net-a-Porter
3. ADIDAS Falcon suede-trimmed sneakers –
4.Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin sneakers – $160 | Nordstrom
5. Balmain Black B-Trail Sneakers – $695 | ssense
If you want to read more about sneakers check out our post on 8 Best Signature White Sneakers