If you have never consigned your bags, now is the time to think about consigning your used Chanel, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and other designer bags. Used is what they call the “new new”. This means that when you are tired of your beloved Chanel or Gucci bag, you can consign it and get money back to buy a brand new bag that you love or a pre-loved bag from the same place for less than retail. I think consignments are the best new way to get new bags these days if you are buying a bag that has been in the stores for a little bit. There is always someone who bought the bag way before anyone else and is already wanting to get a new bag. For example, my 2 favorite Chanel backpacks are already available pre-loved. The Chanel quilted leather backpack is already available here and the Chanel black nylon backpack is already available here. If you can save up to 30% off the retail price, why not get the bag you wanted a few months ago online for less. The best thing to do is then to consign some of your bags that you no longer use as much with these companies as well. This way, you will have some money to buy the new bags that you want from them without spending a lot of money out of pocket. It is really a win-win.
The companies I recommend for consignment include Vestiaire Collective and The Real Real. These companies will help you photograph your consigned bags and sell them for you so you do not have to worry about answering questions, shipping or returns. The hassle-free method of selling your luxury handbag online will allow you to find your next beloved bag without worrying about how you will sell your old bag that has been sitting in your closet unused for the last year or more.
What is on your wishlist for your next new bag?