Aside from the sweaters, we also have a penchant for Loro Piana’s bags and shoes. For us, they are good investment pieces! Because of this quiet luxury trend, we’re currently obsessing with their collection. Whatever your taste or style, there’s a bag and shoes for you on all occasions. Of course, they are made to arduous standards in Italy. They have some of the finest tote bags and shoes on the market. Pair your next outfit with a luxurious touch of statement pieces. From casual chic to eleganza, you can never have too much Loro Piana.

In conclusion, quiet luxury may be more than meets the eye, and as per our forecast, we bet it will not be lost in leading the fashion scene.
Lastly, do you want to know more about Quiet Luxury? Read our article about How “Quiet Luxury” Is Dominating Fashion This 2023.